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EUROLAB – TIC Council Joint Webinar: The lab of the future and the future of labs

TIC Council and EUROLAB are proud to present a virtual webinar entitled ‘The Lab of the future and the future of Labs’, dedicated to explore the changes that laboratories are currently facing in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the technological developments that are exponentially changing the landscape.

As new technologies and rapidly-developing innovations are being introduced at a steady pace, it is of vital importance for laboratories to constantly stay informed about the latest transformations in the sector, the new perspectives that these will bring, and how laboratories can adapt and thrive in this new environment.

The webinar will cover more specifically topics such as: remote audits, new norms and standards and their implementation, current and future challenges and opportunities for laboratories. It will also focus on bringing together various relevant actors from laboratory associations, accreditation organizations as well as private stakeholders, in order to cover a wide range of perspectives and to explore ideas for adapting to a rapidly changing world.

The webinar will be hosted on Tuesday, 27 October, from 15h – 16:30h via the Webex platform. Individuals and organizations who are interested in registering for this event can do so via this page, where you will also find more information on the programme and the speakers.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at our webinar.


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