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EUROLAB-Eurachem webinar

EUROLAB and Eurachem will co-host a webinar on “How to Validate Measurement Procedures Including Sampling (VaMPIS).”

The event will take place on 19 June 2025, from 10:00 – 13:00 CET, online via Zoom.

High-level speakers and authors of this new guide will provide valuable insights into the key best practices for validation of measuring procedures that include sampling, with worked examples and guidelines. Moreover, guidance will be provided on the applications of VaMPIS to both in situ and ex situ measurements. The management of the whole measurement process, including follow-up after validation will also be a topic of discussion during the webinar.

Participants will have the opportunity to address questions and further clarify any possible uncertainties directly with the authors and experts in this field during the roundtable discussion.

The event is free of charge and you can register at the following registration link.

The event programme will be released in the upcoming weeks.


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