EUROLAB is a Consortium Partner in the EURAMET Project ScreenFood
EUROLAB is a Consortium Partner in the EURAMET - The European Association of National Metrology Institutes Project ScreenFood - "Metrology for Food Safety in the Circular Economy: Targeted and Screening Methods for Contaminants in Food and Recycled Packaging".
The project is funded under the EURAMET research funding programme - European Partnership on Metrology and it is coordinated by INRiM - Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica.
ScreenFood aims to develop analytical strategies and reference materials supporting food and food packaging industries in the provision of safe and sustainable products compliant to legislation, thus having a positive impact on the public's quality of life.
Laura Martin, EUROLAB Secretary General, will be leading Work Package 5: Creating Impact, focused on developing an impactful dissemination and communication strategy as well as a sustainable exploitation and uptake plan for the use of project results and scientific data.
The project started with the very fruitful kickoff meetings on 5 and 6 June and we look forward to working together with all consortium partners for the successful outcomes of this project!
Have a look at the LinkedIn post here
