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EUROLAB webinar on microplastics – Program released

We are glad to release the program of our upcoming webinar

“MICROPLASTICS: regulations, standards and the role of laboratories”

15 February 2023, 13:00 - 17:00 CET

16 February 2023, 10:00 - 14:00 CET

You are invited to connect, learn and share knowledge and best practices with experts in the field of microplastics, on EU legislations, standardisation activities and other key issues.

Confirmed speakers include high-level representatives from the European Chemicals Agency, European Commission DG ENV, Plastics Europe, CENELEC, ISO and the laboratory sector.

The detailed agenda is available here.

Registration is open until 12 February 2023 at the following link:

The webinar has a participation fee of 80€, information on the payment will follow your registration.

We are looking very much forward to seeing you at our webinar and listening to your questions and concerns on the issue of microplastics.

Feel free to further circulate the invitation within your networks using this social media toolkit and to reach out should you need any additional information.


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