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IMEKO Newsletter

IMEKO has distributed its latest newsletter with updated information on its 63th General Council Session (which was held in November 2020), its next appointments for 2021 and 2024, and information on its TC6 on Digitalization and TC11 on Measurement in Testing, Inspection and Certification.

IMEKO is an international federation of representative organizations in the field of measurement. Through international symposiums and workshops organized by 24 technical committees, IMEKO takes an advanced role in sharing and improving knowledge of measurement science and technology in industry, government, and academia. In addition to that, IMEKO contributes to develop science and technology in cooperation deeply with the United Nations, international organizations related to metrology and also other technical fields.

The technical committee IMEKO TC11 - Measurement in Testing, Inspection and Certification (Chairman Álvaro Silva Ribeiro, Vice Chairman Mladen Jakovčić) was established in November 2020, and we previously covered it in our website. Details regarding its aims and objectives can be found in the official website of IMEKO.

Find here the newsletter.


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