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IMEKO TC8 Traceability in Metrology, TC11 Measurement in Testing and TC24 Chemical Measurements Joint Conference

EUROLAB is glad to share the Joint Conference of IMEKO TC8 Traceability in Metrology, TC11 Measurement in Testing and TC24 Chemical Measurements, taking place in Funchal, on the Island of Madeira in Portugal, from 11 to 13 October 2023.

Following the recent success of the Joint Conference held in Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, in 2022, and to strengthen the long tradition of cooperation between IMEKO Technical Committees, RELACRE (the Portuguese Association of Accredited Laboratories), is organising the 2023 Joint Conference, together with IMEKO TC8, TC11 and TC24, LNEC and EUROLAB.

The event will bring together the TIC community, academia and industry, promoting the latest advancements in science and technology in many fields of measurement.

Information and registration: 


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