The Laboratory of the Future
Nowadays the lab of the future is driven by the fast changing new technologies and by the high demands of customers. The lab of the future will probably change completely in appearance from the laboratories we have nowadays. New technologies such as 3D printing, robotics, high-tech devices or cloud computing will bring big transformations to the lab of the future, which will be a paperless lab.
Moreover, the lab could become interconnected with simple long-distance access given to workers, who could support each other remotely in real time. The lab of the future will be focused on reducing emissions, physical waste as well as optimising storage, energy and human resources. All this will be done with the rapid advancement of technologies, which will determine the reshuffling of the future laboratories, which we already see happening.
This section will provide all the latest news, advancements and changes occurring in the laboratories of today for the laboratories of the future, including:
Digital single market
Artificial intelligence
5G communication
Data management
Quantum computation & communication
Machine Learning

Highlights: EUROLAB and TIC Council Joint Webinar 'The lab of the future and future of labs'
On 27 October, TIC Council and EUROLAB hosted a joint-webinar entitled ‘The lab of the future and the future of labs’, dedicated to exploring the changes that laboratories are currently facing in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the technological developments that are exponentially changing the landscape.
EUROLAB has released a Special Briefing, focused on the latest developments related to the topic of the laboratory of the future
EUROLAB has published a Special Briefing on the topic of Laboratory of the future and the fast changing environment in which laboratories are operating and rethinking their processes.